The City of Palo Alto has been named a Leading Digital City for two years in a row, and it is on...
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Spire: New company started at Stanford aims to improve health through breathing
Breathing. According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, it’s one of the simplest...
New Palo Alto toy company blends engineering and design to help kids discover nature
Parents in Palo Alto looking to bolster their kids’ math skills might gravitate to online...
Editorial: 10 Reasons why Palo Alto should vote “Yes” on Measure A
Palo Alto Pulse occasionally takes a stand on issues that are essential for our community to grow...
Teen forum sparks mental health discussion for Palo Alto youth and adults
By Adele Bloch. Article reprinted with permission from the Paly Voice. A growing need for...
“Brave the Shave” event at SAP in Palo Alto raises $65,000 for cancer research
SAP hosts a festive event for a serious cause The “brave the shave” event held...