Repair Cafe Palo Alto

Spring is here and summer is coming, so bring down your broken fans, your bikes that need tuning up and any other spring cleaning projects!
The Repair Café Palo Alto is a volunteer-run, community service dedicated to encouraging the repair and reuse of goods rather than dumping them in landfill.

The first Repair Café started in Amsterdam in 2009, now there are over 30 Repair Cafés in Europe, and more around the world.  The Repair Café Palo Alto is affiliated with the Repair Café Foundation in the Netherlands. We are the first Repair Café to become operational in the United States.  (Although we are affiliated with the Repair Café Foundation, we are self-funded and operate independently.)  Learn more about the Repair Café Foundation in the Netherlands:

About the author

Victoria Thorp

Victoria Thorp

Victoria is the founder and editor of Palo Alto Pulse and has lived in Palo Alto since 2007. Victoria's diverse professional background includes working as the editor of , as a senior writer for KIPP and Teach for America, and as a radio producer for City Visions on KALW (91.7FM San Francisco). She is a graduate of Leadership Palo Alto and a member of the Palo Alto Partners in Education Advisory Board.

She has a BA in English from Tufts University and Masters in Education and Secondary Teaching Credential in English from UCLA.