While the end of the school year brings joy for Palo Alto teens, many are also facing the reality that they need a summer job. It’s not all procrastination: with lots of competition for summer programs and internships, sometimes kids have to figure out plan B.
The good news is that Palo Alto has a slew of companies that eager to hire high school students. Having a paying summer job can provide kids with an informative and educational summer experience. Plus, real world work experience looks great on a college application.
ClickPA, a local youth-run organization shares information about events that interest teenagers, recently hosted a Teen Job Fair at Mitchell Park that drew a wide range of employers and over 200 students. If you know a teen looking for a summer job, the list of companies that came to this event is a great place to start:
Love kids? Counseling jobs offer fun and variety
- Camp Cardinal at Stanford University: Teen athletes or interested students can apply to work at summer sports camps managed by the Stanford Athletic Department.
- City of Palo Alto Recreation: The City of Palo Alto Recreation offers several different job options, including camp counselors, and volunteering for younger students.
- Galileo Learning: Galileo is looking for teens to work at their summer camps that encompass athletics, art, science and more.
- Palo Alto Family YMCA: The Palo Alto Family YMCA has a plethora of options for teenage students to work in the summer.

photo credit: Galileo
Calling all techies! Great jobs for tech-savvy teens
- Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce: The Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce is looking for a social-media savvy teenager to help manage and transfer data and social media during the summer.
- Code for Fun: Working at this summer camp is the perfect opportunity for students that enjoy computer science who want to translate their skills to teaching and helping the community.
- Kidizens/:BrainVyne: These summer based off of LEGO toys are looking for counselors that love tech and children.

photo credit: Bay Area Parent
Fries with that? Food service jobs that pay
- Gong Cha USA: Who doesn’t love boba tea? Students can make cash this summer working at Gong Cha in Palo Alto.
- Gotts Roadside: This popular burger restaurant in Town & Country Village has many job options for teenagers who want to work in a friendly environment close to school.
- Stanford University – Residential & Dining Enterprises: Stanford’s Residential & Dining Enterprises has summer jobs in Stanford’s dining halls.

photo credit: Gong Cha
Got wheels? Spend a summer surrounded by sports cars
Audi Palo Alto: Kids that are interested in mechanics or working with cars could find a potential summer job at Audi Palo Alto.

Photo credit: www.audichicago.org
With a scarcity of workers to fill open jobs, there are many more businesses around Palo Alto that would love to hire a teenager this summer. Plus, if you want to find odd jobs over the summer, check out an app called TeenJobFind that connects Palo Alto neighgors with teen workers. Good luck job hunting!
Lots of great options! Don’t forget about TeenJobFind as well! http://Www.trrnjobfind.com. Work on your own time!
Great idea!