We have heard a lot this week about the man impersonating a Palo Alto police officer, stopping kids on bikes and threatening them to obey traffic laws. While this is scary, many people don’t know that our real Palo Alto Police Department is busy patrolling the streets most used by kids riding to school to help them learn how to ride safely and obey traffic rules. According to recent data from PAUSD, almost one third of all students in Palo Alto ride their bikes to school and over half of middle school students get to school by bicycle so this education about road safety is urgently needed.
The City of Palo Alto approved an exciting bicycle transportation plan in July 2012, which will expand access for bicycles all over the city.
Palo Alto Pulse will continue to cover the role of bicycle transportation in addressing the City’s ongoing traffic challenges. We want to hear from you…do you ride to school and/or work? Run errands by bicycle? If not, what would it take to get you to switch from car to biking for some of your everyday transportation needs?